In accordance with the present invention there is provided a flange type duct joint assembly to connect the end portions of generally rectangular ducts or duct sections that includes a plurality of flange portions or duct connecting flanges.
Aplurality of angular corner pieces are provided for connecting adjacent flange portions to form a generally rectangular frame. The flange portions each have an upstanding channel shaped leg portion or upstanding corner piece receiving portion and a ductreceiving leg portion or duct receivng portion. The upstanding channel shaped leg portion includes a front wall and a rear wall forming a corner piece receiving opening therebetween. The duct receiving leg portion includes a top wall and a bottom wallarranged to receive an end portion of a duct therebetween.
The upstanding channel shaped leg portion front wall intersects the duct receiving leg bottom wall. The corner pieces each have a body portion or corner section and a pair of legs extendingangularly therefrom. The corner piece corner section and the legs have a common front planar surface portion and a common rear planar surface portion. The pair of legs are arranged to extend into the corner piece receiving openings of the flangeportion upstanding channel shaped leg portions.
The corner piece body portion includes a corner portion having a flange portion or offset corner portion extending from the body portion. The corner section flange portion is in juxtaposition with theupstanding channel shaped leg portion where the front wall of the upstanding channel shaped leg portion intersects the bottom wall of the duct receiving leg portion. The corner section flange portion has a front surface and a rear surface.
The flange portion front surface is displaced from the inner surface of the front wall of the upstanding channel shaped leg portion. The corner piece offset corner portion is positioned externally of the corner piece receiving openings in the adjacent ductconnecting flange upstanding corner piece receiving portions. The corner piece corner section offset corner portion is displaced rearwardly relative to the corner piece front planar surface and above the duct connecting flange duct receiving portionbottom wall.
The duct receiving leg portion is adapted to receive the duct end portion so that the corner edge portions of the duct end portions extends or projects beyond the corner piece offset corner portion into abutting relation with an externalgasket means positioned on the corner piece corner section to provide a seal for the duct corner edge portion between adjacent duct connecting flange portions. The external gasket means is positioned in overlying relation with the duct connecting flangefront wall and a portion of the corner piece corner section.
A deformable gasket, such as a flowing type gasket material, is positioned inside the flange portions and is operable to sealingly connect the duct end portion within the flange portions. The deformable gasket abuts the channel shaped legportion front wall and the duct receiving leg portion bottom wall. The deformable gasket means is partially displaced inside the channel shaped leg portion and duct receiving leg portion when the duct end portion is inserted into the duct receiving legportion. With this arrangement, the gasket material is operable to flow into sealing relation around the edge of the duct end portion in the duct receiving leg portion.
Preferably, the deformable gasket is partially displaced inside the channel shaped leg portion and the duct receiving leg portion when the duct end portion is inserted into the duct receiving leg portion to permit the edge of the duct end portionto move into abutting relation with the front wall of the channel shaped leg portion. The deformable gasket material has a viscosity that permits the material when displaced by movement of the duct end portion into the duct receiving leg portion toextrude out of the respective flange portions and onto the surface of the edge of the duct adjacent to the corner piece and onto the surface of the corner piece to provide an air-tight seal between the end of the duct adjacent the corner piece and thecorner piece at the ends of the flange portions.
Further, in accordance with the present invention an external gasket is positioned in overlying relation with the outer surface of the upstanding channel shaped leg portion front wall and the surface of the body of the corner section of thecorner piece. The external gasket is penetrated by the corner edge portions of the duct end portion. The duct corner edge portions extend beyond the front surface of the corner piece flange portion to provide a seal between the outer surface of theduct edge and the front surface of the corner piece flange portion to prevent the flow of air therebetween.
Further, in accordance with the present invention the front wall of the upstanding channel shaped member has an inner surface arranged to receive in abutting relation the edge of the duct end portion. The outer surface of the corner piece flangeportion is preferably curved or displaced rearwardly away from the front wall inner surface. With this arrangement the duct end portion is permitted to extend beyond the corner piece flange portion so that the duct edge can penetrate an external gasketpositioned on the surface of the flange portions and corner pieces. This arrangement provides an effective corner seal for the duct joint assembly.
Another feature of the present invention is to provide a corner piece for connecting end portions of duct connecting flanges. The corner piece includes a corner section with a rearwardly displaced flange portion. The rearwardly displaced flangeportion is arranged to permit the duct corner end portions to project into abutting relation with an external gasket and seal the corner edge portions of the duct.
Another feature of the present invention includes a flange type duct joint assembly for connecting the end portions of generally rectangular ducts or duct sections which assembly includes a plurality of flange portions or duct connecting flanges. A plurality of angular corner pieces are provided for connecting adjacent flange portions to form a generally rectangular frame.
The flange portions each have an upstanding channel shaped leg portion or upstanding corner piece receiving portion and aduct receiving portion or a duct receiving leg portion. The upstanding channel shaped leg portion includes a front wall and a rear wall forming a corner piece receiving opening therebetween. The duct receiving leg portion includes a top wall and abottom wall arranged to receive an end portion of a duct therebetween. The upstanding channel shaped leg portion front wall intersects the duct receiving leg bottom wall.
The corner pieces each have a body portion or corner section and a pair of legsextending angularly therefrom. The corner piece corner section and the legs have a common front planar surface portion and a common rear planar surface portion. The pair of legs are arranged to extend into the corner piece receiving openings of theflange portion upstanding channel shaped leg portions. The corner piece body portion has a corner portion with a flange portion. The flange portion has an edge or edge portion. The flange portion edge is displaced from the upstanding channel shapedleg portion to permit the edge of the duct end portion to be positioned closely adjacent to the intersection of the upstanding channel shaped leg portion front wall and the duct receiving leg bottom wall.
The corner piece flange portion is positionedexternally of the corner piece receiving opening in the adjacent duct connecting flange upstanding corner piece receiving portion. The corner piece flange edge portion is displaced rearwardly relative to the corner piece front planar surface and abovethe duct connecting flange duct receiving portion bottom wall so that the duct section corner edge portion, between adjacent duct connecting flange portions, projects beyond the flange edge portion into abutting relation with an external gasket meanspositioned on the corner piece corner section to provide a seal for the duct corner edge portion between adjacent duct connecting flange portions.
The external gasket means is positioned in overlying relation with the duct connecting flange front walland a portion of the corner piece corner section. This sealing device or external gasket means is provided for maintaining an air-tight seal between the outer surface of the duct open end portion adjacent the corner piece and the edge of the cornerpiece flange portion so that the corner pieces of the generally rectangular frame sealingly engage the duct end portion to prevent air from within the duct flowing between the upper surface of the duct and the flange portion edges of the corner pieces.
Accordingly, the principal object of the present invention is to provide a flange type duct joint assembly to connect the end portions of generally rectangular ducts and a plurality of flange portions that are connected to adjacent flangeportions by angular corner pieces that are arranged to receive an end portion of a duct and provide an air-tight seal between the corner edge portions of the duct end portion and the surface of the corner piece.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a seal arrangement between the end portion of a duct and angular corner pieces that connect a plurality of flange portions that form a frame for receiving the duct end portion to prevent flowof air from the duct between the duct end portion and the corner pieces of the frame.
A further object of this invention is to provide a corner piece that permits the duct corner edge portions to project into sealing relation with an external gasket.
An additional object of this invention is to provide a flange type duct joint assembly to connect end portions of generally rectangular duct sections that permits the duct section corner edge portions to project into sealing relation with anexternal gasket.
These and other objects of the present flange invention will be more completely disclosed and described in the following specification, the accompanying drawings, and the appended claims.
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